Sunday 18 January 2009

Water water everywhere!

I HATE water retention! I am SO sick of being able to look in the mirror one day and feel not too bad about myself, and that maybe the "stopping when full" is working, and have the oomph to carry on, and then the next day, looking in the mirror and seeing a blimp looking back at me and feel like a whale! I know that as long as I carry on just eating sensibly and exercising, that I will actually lose weight and the water retention will be nothing to worry about, but in the meantime, it is totally doing my head in!!!!!!!!!!!

On the upside, I have joined the gym at work, had my induction, my mini MOT and my personal program has been set up for me, so roll on Tuesday when I will be going in my lunch hour, and in a really weird kind of way, I am actually looking forward to it. I am also going to try and build up my walking. Without making excuses, it will be so much easier when my son starts going to nursery in March, as I will have 2.5hours free each day, and on my days off I can do a DVD or go for a nice power walk.

Roll on Tuesday!


  1. Good luck with the gym! I did it last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, but finances stopped me going so doing it through work is fab.
    As for power walking, I'm going to start doing that...let me know how you get on!
    As for your first comment, I so know how you feel. How i view myself in the mirror and feel really effects my whole day. So if I'm having a fat/bad hair/skin/everything day then you can bet on your life that I may sway from my healthy eating and walk around depressed all day....argh!

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