Thursday 5 February 2009

Keep going!

Well, things aren’t going too bad on the diet and exercise font at the moment. 3 weeks in, and I haven’t missed a gym session yet. Ok, it’s only 2 sessions a week at the moment, but it’s better than what I used to o (0 sessions at any time!). I am really enjoying going, and will be changing my personal plan in 3 weeks time.

I have got a date for my Race for Life, so I now also have a definitive goal to work towards. I know it’s only 5k, but I really want to run at least half of it this year, even if I have to walk the other half.

I haven’t been following a specific diet plan at all. To be brutally honest, I don’t have time to be counting calries/points/syns and I can’t really be bothered to work out if I am having a green or a red day. All I am doing is stopping when I am full, and leaving about 20 minutes after I am finished eating to see if I am still hungry. If I am, I will have something else, but 9 times out of 10, I am not hungry at all. If I want to satisfy my sweet craving, I have a couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

It is normally about this time in any plan or regime that I am following that I give up, however, if I keep going on this one, who knows where I will end up? It seems to be going well at the moment, so keep your fingers crossed for continued success.

1 comment:

  1. I think my version of this needs to be entitled 'bread be gone and cheese with it"
    I lost 30 kg in'11 and had two shoulders replaced in '12 so got a little slack and this year am further up the slippery slope so am trying to really put bread out of the house.
    All the best. Keep at it and get up if you fall. I am talking to myself also here.
